Markus Reiher's Talks
15.01.2025, Bochum, Autonomous and Interactive Explorations of Chemical Reaction Networks, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
25.11.24, Zurich, Chemistry as a Key Application Area for Quantum Computation, Quantum Engineering Case Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
20.11.24, Macclesfield (virtual), Autonomous and Interactive Explorations of Chemical Reaction Networks, Predictive Science Network meetings, Astra Zeneca, UK
03.11.2024, Bad Soden, Challenges for Demonstrating a Chemical Advantage of Quantum Computing over Traditional Approaches, after-dinner talk, 18th GCC - German Conference on Cheminformatics, Germany
30.10.24, Bielefeld, "Autonomous and Interactive Explorations of Chemical Reaction Networks", 3rd Heilbronner-Hueckel-Lecture, University of Bielefeld, Germany
29.10.24, Muenster, "Lifelong Machine Learning Potentials for the Exploration of Chemical Reaction Space", 2nd Heilbronner-Hueckel-Lecture, University of Muenster, Germany
28.10.24, Paderborn, "Chemistry is the KillerApp for Quantum Computation", 1st Heilbronner-Hueckel-Lecture, University of Paderborn, Germany
12.09.2024, Zurich, Download Challenges and Outlook for Chemical Reactivity Explorations (PDF, 20.8 MB), ETH-Microsoft Workshop on High-Throughput Computational Chemistry, Switzerland
12.09.2024, Zurich, Download Introduction to SCINE Packages (PDF, 12.4 MB), ETH-Microsoft Workshop on High-Throughput Computational Chemistry, Switzerland
20.08.2024, Denver, Challenges for demonstrating a chemical advantage of quantum computing over traditional approaches, ACS Fall Meeting, USA
18.08.2024, Denver, SCINE: software for automated reaction mechanism exploration and microkinetic modeling, ACS Fall Meeting, USA
18.07.2024, London, Striking the right balance of encoding electron correlation in the Hamiltonian and the wave function ansatz Faraday Discussions, United Kingdom
23.05.2024, Los Alamos (virtual), Lifelong Machine Learning Potentials (plenary talk), Machine Learning in Chemical and Materials Sciences 2024 (MLCM-24), Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
29.11.23, Uppsala, Lifelong Machine Learning Potentials, 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry, Sweden
27.11.23, Zurich, Quantum computing for chemistry, molecular biology, and materials science, Quantum Engineering Case Studies, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
22.11.23, Fribourg, Automated Quantum Chemical Elucidation of Reaction Mechanisms in Complex Environments, Seminar in the Chemistry Department, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
17.11.23, Tokyo, Quantum computing in chemistry, molecular biology, and materials science, Quantum Innovation 2023, Japan
06.11.23, Villigen, Automated Quantum Chemical Elucidation of Reaction Mechanisms in Complex Environments, Seminar at Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
06.09.23, Zurich, Haben Sie schon einmal an einem Molekül gezogen? – Über molekulare Quanteneffekte am Computer, Studieninformationstage an der ETH Zurich, Switzerland
14.08.23, San Francisco, Prospects of quantum computing in chemistry, molecular biology, and materials science, ACS Fall Meeting 2023, Session: Quantum Computing for Tackling Challenges in Quantum Chemistry, USA
05.07.23, Schwägalp/Säntis, Prospects of quantum computing for molecular science, ETH Quantum Center General Meeting, Switzerland
29.06.23, Riva San Vitale, Prospects of Quantum Computing for Molecular Science, Virginia Tech Quantum Swiss Summer Workshop, VirginiaTech's Steger Center, Switzerland
21.06.23, Znojmo, Tensor Train Methods for Stationary and Dynamical General Many-Particle Problems, ICQC 2023 Satellite Meeting on Strong Correlation in Molecules, Czech Republic
23.05.23, Oslo, Tensor Train Methods for Stationary and Dynamical General Many-Particle Problems, Workshop on Molecular Quantum Dynamics organized by the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) project Attosecond Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, Norway
10.05.23, Copenhagen, Prospects of Quantum Computing for Chemistry, Molecular Biology, and Materials Science, Workshop on Quantum Computing Applications in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers., Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
27.03.23 Cardiff (virtual), Autonomous and Interactive Exploration of Chemical Processes, Departemental Seminar, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, UK
14.03.23, Erlangen, Plenary Talk: Prospects of Quantum Computing for Chemistry, 35th Molecular Modelling Workshop 2023 (MMWS23), University of Erlangen, Germany
03.03.23, Stuttgart, Prospects of Quantum Computing for Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, University of Stuttgart, Germany
18.01.23 Zurich, Quantum Computing for Molecular Biology, Mini-Symposium of ETH Quantum Center and NovoNordisk Quantum for Life Center, Switzerland
02.12.22, Uppsala, external page Machine-learning enhanced exploration of chemical reaction networks, The 2022 Löwdin Symposium - Contemporary Theoretical Chemistry: The Löwdin Legacy, Uppsala University, Sweden
28.11.2022, Berlin-Paderborn-Erlangen (virtual), Machine-learning enhanced exploration of chemical reaction networks, National High-Performance Computer Centers (NHR) Atomistic Simulation Symposium 2022, Germany
06.10.22., Telluride (virtual), Quantum chemical roots of machine-learning molecular similarity descriptors, Telluride Workshop “Machine Learning and Informatics for Chemistry and Materials”, USA
05.07.22, Autonomous and Interactive Exploration of Chemical Processes, WATOC 2022, Vancouver, Canada
30.06.22, Bonn (virtual), Autonomous Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms with Uncertainty Quantification and Automated Benchmarking, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, University of Bonn, Germany
06.05.22, Los Angeles (virtual), external page Uncertainty Quantification of Quantum Chemical Methods, IPAM Workshop III: Large-Scale Certified Numerical Methods in Quantum Mechanics, UCLA, USA
09.12.21, Osaka (virtual), Quantum Computing for Chemistry, International Symposium on Quantum Science, Technology and Innovation: Quantum Innovation 2021, Riken & Osaka University, Japan
08.12.21, Sussex (virtual), From Electronic and Vibrational Structure to Quantum Dynamics with Matrix Product States, Sussex Virtual Chemistry Seminar Series, UK
19.11.2021, Online, From Electronic and Vibrational Structure to Quantum Dynamics with Matrix Product States (Keynote Lecture), EuChemS Devision of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, Online conference e-EuCo-CTC-2021, EU
12.11.21, Xiamen (virtual), external page Reflection on the Synergy of Machine Learning and First-Principles Modeling, Symposium on Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry SMLQC-2021, China
05.11.21, São Paulo (virtual), external page From Electronic and Vibrational Structure to Quantum Dynamics with Matrix Product States, Webinar series on "Computational Photochemistry", Department of Fundamental Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Brazil
17.06.21, Telluride (virtual), Some recent developments related to Matrix Product States/DMRG, Workshop "New Frontiers in Electron Correlation 2021", Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC)
04.06.2021, Lausanne (virtual), Reflection on the Synergy of Machine Learning and First-Principles Modeling, Workshop "Big Data and Machine Learning for Chemistry", EPFL, Switzerland
20.05.21, Zurich, Recent and Future Directions for Computational Chemistry, Case Studies, Computational Science and Engineering (RW/CSE), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
12.05.21, Boston (virtual), Have you ever pulled on a molecule? - Chemical reactivity by interactive and automated quantum mechanics, Greater Boston Area Theoretical Chemistry Lecture Series, Boston University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tufts University, and University of Massachusetts, USA
11.05.21, Zurich (virtual), Have you ever pulled on a molecule? - Chemical reactivity by interactive and automated quantum mechanics, Physical Chemistry Colloquium, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
22.04.21, Weinheim (virtual), external page Have You Ever Pulled on a Molecule? Chemical Reactivity by Interactive and Automated Quantum Mechanics, Virtual Symposium on Computational Chemistry of ChemPhysChem and ChemSystemsChem (Download Slides (PDF, 15.4 MB))
23.03.2021, Girona (virtual), Have you ever pulled on a molecule? - Chemical reactivity by interactive quantum mechanics, Girona Seminar, Spain
23.02.2021, Mariapfarr (virtual), Automatic Exploration of Chemical Reaction Mechanisms: The SCINE Project (3 lectures), Mariapfarr-Workshop, Austria
10.12.20, Warsaw (virtual/zoom), Have you ever pulled on a molecule? - Chemical Reactivity by Interactive Quantum Mechanics, CREATE Lecture at the Physical Chemistry Institute Colloquium, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
04.12.20, Uppsala (virtual/zoom), Multicomponent Quantum Chemistry, Löwdin Symposium 2020, University of Uppsala, Sweden
17.07.2020, Stuttgart (virtual/zoom), Update on DMRG related projects with QCMaquis, 8th OpenMolcas Developers' Meeting, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany
19.11.19, Heidelberg, Molecular Structure from an All-Particle Pre-Born-Oppenheimer Perspective, Interdisciplinary Symposium Chemical Concepts and Quantum Chemistry, Mathematikon, University of Heidelberg, Germany
12.11.19, Mülheim, Exploration of Chemical Reaction Space, Ernst Haage-Symposium 2019, MPI for Coal Research, Germany
07.11.19, Budapest, Future Directions of Theory and Computations in Chemistry, Kapuy Lecture 2019, ELTE, Hungary
09.09.19, Bad Schleining, Matrix Product States for Electronic and Vibrational Structure, CESTC 2019, Austria
08.09.19, Zürich, What is required for solving chemical problems on a quantum computer?, Summer School "Quantum Information for Developers", ETH Zurich, Switzerland
06.09.19, Zürich, Prospects of Modern Man-Machine Interfaces for Chemistry Education, SCG fall meeting, University of Zurich, Switzerland
04.09.19, York, The Electrostatic Potential as a Descriptor for the Protonation Propensity in Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms, Faraday Discussion "Mechanistic processes in organometallic chemistry", UK
16.07.19, Tromsø, Quantum Chemical Exploration of Catalytic Reaction Networks, ISTCP 2019, Norway
25.06.19, Heidelberg, Tensor Network States in Electronic and Vibrational Structure Theory, University of Heideberg, Germany
14.06.19, Minneapolis, DMRG with QCMaquis in OpenMolcas, 7th OpenMolcas Developers Workshop, University of Minnesota, USA
12.06.19, Telluride, Recent Developments in MPS/MPO-DMRG: Excited-state optimization, state-averaged gradients, quantum dynamics, New Frontiers in Electron Correlation Workshop, USA
03.06.19, Erlangen, System-focused models for the exploration of reaction mechanisms, Seminar at the Computational Chemistry Center CCC of the University of Erlangen, Germany
17.05.19, Münster, The bright future of computations in chemistry, 10th Münster Symposium on Cooperative Effects in Chemistry (MSCEC 2019), University of Münster, Germany (Plenary Lecture)
16.05.19, Münster, Uncertainty quantification in quantum chemical calculations, Center for Multiscale Theory and Computation Mini-Symposium, University of Münster, Germany
06.03.19, Boston, Geminal-based high-accuracy quantum mechanics for few-body systems, APS March Meeting 2019, USA
05.03.19, Boston, Ab initio methods targeting strong electron- and nuclear-correlation in spectroscopy, APS March Meeting 2019, USA
15.12.18, Aarhus, Vibrational Density Matrix Renormalization Group, MEthods and ALgorithms in Quantum Chemistry (MEAL 2018) - Celebrating 50 years of Theoretical Chemistry in Aarhus, University of Aarhus, Denmark
13.12.18, Rostock, New directions for computational chemistry in the 21st century, GDCh-Kolloquium, University of Rostock, Germany
16.11.18, Uppsala, external page Exhaustive Exploration of Complex Reaction Networks, Löwdin Lecture 2, Uppsala University, Sweden
15.11.18, Uppsala, Have you ever pulled on a molecule?, Löwdin Lecture 1, Uppsala University, Sweden
11.09.18, Como, An Introduction to the Density Matrix Renormalization Group, Summer School "Computational spectroscopy: bridging theory and experiment", Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy
10.09.18, Como, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Summer School "Computational spectroscopy: bridging theory and experiment", Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Italy
05.09.18, Bath, Exploration of Catalytic Processes, Quantum Bio Inorganic Chemistry Conference QBIC-IV, University of Bath, United Kingdom
28.08.18, Los Angeles, external page What is required for solving chemical problems on a quantum computer?, Workshop "Quantum Computing Materials Challenges", Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, USA
25.07.18, West Dover, Uncertainty quantification in quantum chemical calculations, Gordon Research Conference on Computational Chemistry, USA
10.07.18, Halifax, Electron density from strong-correlation wave functions, Sagamore-2018, International Union of Crystallography Conference, Commission on Quantum Crystallography, Canada
23.06.18, Menton, Recent Applications of the DMRG: From Automated Active Orbital Selection to Molecular Vibrations, 16th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry - 16-ICQC 2018, France
12.06.18, Dresden, Special Theory of Relativity in Chemistry, Quantum and Semiclassical Trajectories - QUSET18, International Focus Workshop, MPI PKS, Germany
01.06.18, Barcelona, Automated and Interactive Exploration of Complex Reaction Mechanisms, Symposium of the Institut de Quimica Teorica i Computacional, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (Plenary Lecture)
22.05.18, Prague, Automated and Interactive Exploration of Catalytic Processes, 7th Japan-Czechoslovak Symposium in Theoretical Chemistry, IOBC, Czech Republic
03.05.18, Münster, Automated and Interactive Exploration of Complex Reaction Mechanisms, Seminar des Organisch-Chemischen Instituts, Germany
11.04.18, Berlin, Exploration of Transition-Metal Catalyzed Processes, ECOSTBio Conference: Final scientific workshop, Germany (Keynote speaker)
04.03.18, Dallas, Prospects of Quantum Computing in Chemistry, 27th Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics at Dallas, USA (Plenary Lecture)
2017 and Earlier
14.12.17, Berlin, Automated and Interactive Exploration of Catalytic Processes, UniCat Colloquium, TU Berlin, Germany
09.12.17, Tokyo, From Relativistic DMRG Calculations to the Exploration and Automated Benchmarking of Functional Chemical Networks, International Symposium "Theoretical Design of Materials with Innovative Functions Based on Element Strategy and Relativistic Electronic Theory", Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
27.11.17, Innsbruck, Interactive and Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms, GÖCh-Kolloquium, University of Innsbruck, Austria
21.11.17, Uppsala, An introduction to the density matrix renormalization group, 8th Molcas Workshop, University of Uppsala, Sweden
30.08.17, Munich, Interactive and Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms, WATOC 2017, Germany
28.06.17, Aussois, DMRG in Quantum Chemistry: Applications, 2nd International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC 2017), France
28.06.17, Aussois, Second-Generation DMRG in Quantum Chemistry, 2nd International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC 2017), France
28.06.17, Aussois, First-Generation DMRG in Quantum Chemistry, 2nd International summer School in electronic structure Theory: electron correlation in Physics and Chemistry (ISTPC 2017), France
21.06.17, Telluride, DMRG: From electronic to nuclear correlations, Telluride Workshop on New Frontiers in Electron Correlation, USA
15.06.17, Washington, D.C., Near-term Applications of Quantum Computing Technologies: Quantum CHemistry, Meeting of the Committee on Technical Assessment of the Feasibility and Implications of Quantum Computing, National Academy of Science (US), USA
08.06.17, Zurich, Computational Quantum Chemistry: Quo vadis? - Panel discussion at the C4 Workshop, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
29.05.17,Toronto, Orbital Entanglement Measures for Localized and Delocalized Orbitals, 100th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Canada
23.04.17, Zurich, Interactive Quantum Mechanics, YPF - Young Physicists Forum, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
03.04.17, San Francisco, DMRG: Orbital selection, dynamic correlation, and nuclear gradients, 253rd ACS National Meeting & Exposition, USA
09.03.17, Lausanne, Strong electron correlation in molecules, Physical Chemistry Seminar, EPFL, Switzerland
08.03.17, Lausanne, external page Interactive and Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms, Ninth MARVEL Distinguished Lecture, NCCR MARVEL, EPFL, Switzerland
12.02.17, Jerusalem, Interactive and Automated Exploration of Reaction Mechanisms, Golden Symposium of the Lise Meitner Minerva Center, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
09.02.17, Jerusalem, Capabilities of the QCMaquis DMRG program in Molcas - An Overview, MOLCAS Developers Workshop, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
30.01.17, Hamburg, Quantum Chemical Exploration of Catalytic Processes, Kolloquium der Anorganischen Chemie, University of Hamburg, Germany
14.12.16, Helsinki, Density Matrix Renormalization Group in Quantum Chemistry: 3) Applications, Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2016, Helsinki University, Finland
13.12.16, Helsinki, Density Matrix Renormalization Group in Quantum Chemistry: 1) Theory, Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2016, Helsinki University, Finland
30.11.16, Ludwigshafen, Computational Exploration of Complex Reaction Networks, BASF, Germany
18.11.16, Pasadena, First-quantized relativistic geminal-based many-particle quantum mechanics, Seminar on theoretical chemistry, CalTech, USA
15.11.16, Los Angeles, external page Extracting Chemical Information from Quantum Many-Particle Physics, Workshop III: Collective Variables in Quantum Mechanics, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics - IPAM, USA
14.11.16, Los Angeles, Quantum Chemical Exploration of Catalytic Processes, Physical Chemistry Seminar, UCLA, USA
08.11.16, Marseille, The Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Excited States, Excited States Bridging Scales, France
11.10.16, Dubrovnik, First-quantized relativistic geminal-based many-particle quantum mechanics, 2nd MOLIM General Meeting, Croatia
20.09.16, Cambridge, Uncertainty quantification for quantum chemical models of complex reaction networks, Reaction Rate Theory: Faraday Discussion, United Kingdom
20.07.16, Grand Forks, New Developments for the Quantum Chemical Density Matrix Renormalization Group, ISTCP 2016, North Dakota, USA
05.07.16, Brest, New Quantum Chemical Methods for Transition Metal Chemistry, ICCC 2016, France
26.06.16, Uppsala, Challenges for Quantum Chemistry, International Conference on Molecular Quantum Mechanics, MQM2016, Sweden
02.06.16, Zürich, Chemical Space and Catalysis, CECAM Workshop on Exploring Chemical Space with Machine Learning and Quantum Mechanics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
11.05.16, Pisa, New approaches in electronic structure theory: The density matrix renormalization group, Colloquia of the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy
31.03.16, Vienna, Current status of DMRG in Molcas, Molcas2016 ‒ Molcas Developers' Workshop 2016, Universität Wien, Austria
15.04.16, Oxford, external page DMRG in Quantum Chemistry: From its relation to traditional methods to n-orbital density matrices and beyond, International Workshop on Reduced Density Matrices in Quantum Physics and Role of Fermionic Exchange Symmetry, University of Oxford, U.K.
07.04.16, Strasbourg, New developments in second-generation DMRG, MCFUNEX kick-off meeting, Strong correlation in quantum chemistry, France
18.03.16, Tarragona, Exploring transition metal chemistry with new quantum chemical methods, Seminar at Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ), Spain
16.09.15, Bödefeld, Tutorial: "DMRG", 2nd Joint Seminar on Purpose-Driven Quantum Chemistry, Germany
28.08.15, Göttingen, Download Theoretical insights into mechanistic aspects of hydrogenases (PDF, 18.2 MB), Final Symposium of the IRTG 1422, University Göttingen, Germany
26.08.15, Middelfart, The Choice of Active Space in DMRG Calculations, Open Shells, Open Questions, Denmark
20.07.15, Berlin, Vibrational Spectroscopy, FHI: Hands-on workshop density-functional theory and beyond — First-principles simulations of molecules and materials, Harnack-Haus of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
08.07.15, Berlin, New Developments in Computational Chemistry, ICIQ-UniCat Summer School on Molecular Catalysis, TU Berlin, Germany
05.07.15, Berlin, Pitfalls in Quantum Chemical Calculations You Haven’t Thought of, ICIQUniCat Summer School on Molecular Catalysis, TU Berlin, Germany
22.06.15, Aussois, The second-generation DMRG algorithm with applications, ISTPC 2015 summer school, France
22.06.15, Aussois, The traditional DMRG algorithm in quantum chemistry, ISTPC 2015 summer school, France
03.06.15, Nanjing, New Developments in the ETH Second-Generation DMRG Program, Recent Advances in Electronic Structure Theory, 15th ICQC Satellite Meeting, China
17.02.15, Fribourg, Interactive Reactivity Exploration, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
09.12.14, Heidelberg, Interactive Reactivity Exploration, Vortragsreihe Chemie, Universität Heidelberg, Germany
21.11.14, Uppsala, DMRG for Quantum Chemistry, The Löwdin Mini Symposium, Uppsala University, Sweden
28.10.14, Zurich, Interactive Chemical Reactivity Exploration, Kolloquium des Laboratoriums für Anorganische Chemie der ETH Zurich, Switzerland
12.09.14, Houffalize, Download The first second-generation DMRG program for quantum chemistry (PDF, 8.6 MB), 16th ESCMQC, European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Belgium
08.09.14, Sønderborg, How does the Density Matrix Renormalization Group work in Quantum Chemistry?, FUEST 2014, The Future of Electronic Structure Theory: Pushing Our Understanding and Limits, Denmark
03.09.14, Zurich, Haben Sie schon einmal an einem Molekül gezogen? - Die Theorie macht es möglich!, Maturandentage, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
21.08.14, Glasgow, How predictive is quantum chemistry for small molecule activation?, Modelling Molecules and Materials – M3 MGMS Meeting, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
13.08.14, San Francisco, How predictive is quantum chemistry for small molecule activation? Catalytic dinitrogen fixation and the degradation of [FeFe] hydrogenase by oxygen, ACS 248th National Meeting & Exposition, USA
18.07.14, Aachen, Rechnergestützte Koordinationschemie, Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, IAC Institut für Anorganische Chemie, RWTH Aachen, Germany
15.07.14, Chicago, How predictive is Quantum Chemistry for small molecule activation?, Fusion Conferences: Small Molecule Activation, USA
11.06.14, Zurich, Haben Sie schon einmal an einem Molekül gezogen? - Die Theorie macht es möglich!, Tag der offenen Laboratorien, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
05.06.14, London, Hydrogen Activation and Reactive-Oxygen-Species Production by Hydrogenases, Interface between experimental and theoretical approaches to energy-related enzyme catalysis, Thomas Young Centre, Great Britain
07.05.14, Nottingham, Studying chemical reactivity in a virtual environment, Faraday Discussion 169: Molecular Simulations and Visualization, Great Britain
15.05.14, Bern, Experiencing Chemical Reactivity adipisicing in Real-Time, Universität Bern, Anorganische, Analytische und Physikalische Chemie, Switzerland
19.02.14, Mariapfarr, 3) Download Some Results of Actual Quantum-Chemical DMRG Calculations (PDF, 4.4 MB), New wavefunction methods and entanglement optimizations in quantum chemistry, Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr, Austria
19.02.14, Mariapfarr, 2) Download Second-Generation DMRG: Matrix Product and Tensor Network States (PDF, 4.4 MB), New wavefunction methods and entanglement optimizations in quantum chemistry, Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr, Austria
19.02.14, Mariapfarr, 1) Download First-Generation Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) in Quantum Chemistry (PDF, 4.4 MB), New wavefunction methods and entanglement optimizations in quantum chemistry, Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr, Austria
13.02.14, Basel, Experiencing Chemical Reactivity in Real-Time, SACC Spring Meeting 'Modeling chemical reactions' University of Basel, Switzerland
04.02.14, Kaiserslautern, Electron Spin in Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Quantum Chemistry, PTC2 Colloquium and Seminar of the TRR88 3MET, Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany
10.10.13, Münster, DMRG-facilitated Large-Active-Space Methods for Electronically Excited States in Complex Environments, Excited States and Complex Environments ESCE-2013, University of Münster, Germany
18.10.13, Basel, An Overview of Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, Physics Colloquium, University of Basel, Switzerland
11.06.13, Nashville, Quantum Chemical Calculations of Raman Optical Activity Spectra, 14th International Conference on Chiroptical Spectroscopy, TN, USA
05.06.13, Les Diablerets, Introduction to Session: Chemical Bonding from Theory-Assisted Charge Density Studies, Gordon Research Conference on Electron Distribution & Chemical Bonding, Switzerland
27.05.13, Prague, DMRG - From its theoretical foundations to applications in transition metal and bioinorganic chemistry, IOCB Theoretical Chemistry Seminars, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Republic
15.05.13, Zurich, Tensor Network States in Quantum Chemistry, CECAM workshop on Tensor network algorithms in computational physics and numerical analysis, ETH, Zurich
27.11.12, Boston, Inverse Quantum Chemical Approaches for Property Calculation and Design, MRS Fall Meeting 2012, USA
12.11.12, Redmond, external page What could quantum computers accomplish for chemical reactions?, Workshop 'Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges, and Prospects', Microsoft Research, USA
02.10.12, Amsterdam, The DMRG Method in Quantum Chemistry, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
24.09.12, Karlsruhe, Electronic particle, current, and spin densities in relativistic quantum theory, STC2012, Germany
20.09.12, Zaragoza, Spin states, spin density and local spin in DFT, CECAM workshop on spin states in biochemistry and inorganic chemistry, Spain
17.09.12, Strbske Pleso, Accurate Calculation of Spin Density Distributions, European Density Meeting ECDM6, Slovakia
13.09.12, Corrientes, Local Excat Decoupling, REHE2012, Argentina
22.08.12, Philadelphia, Haptic Quantum Chemistry, ACS Fall Meeting, USA
04.07.12, Girona, Inhibition of Hydrogenases by Oxygen, X Girona Seminar, Spain
18.06.12, Telluride, Tensor decompositions, entanglement, and other unconventional approaches to challenging problems in transition metal chemistry, Telluride, ICQC Satellite Meeting, USA
01.06.12, Palermo, New Electron Correlation Theories for Transition Metal Compounds, Malmqvist-Symposium, Electronic Structure Theory for Strongly Correlated Systems, Italy
25.05.12, Namur, The Inverse Quantum Chemical Approach to Molecular Vibrational Properties, METAMORPHOSE Méthodes Expérimentales et Théoriques , Atomes, Molécules et supRamolécules PHOtons, Spectres et Electrons, Belgium
02.04.12, Montpellier, Theory of Dinitrogen Fixation at the Schrock Catalyst, Seminar CTMM, ICG Université Montpellier, France
22.03.12, Berlin, The Inverse Quantum Chemical Approach to Molecular Vibrational Properties, Theory Seminar, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
14.03.12, Zürich, New electron correlation theories for quantum mechanical studies of molecules, Kolloquium in Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
21.02.12, St. Simons Island, New Electron Correlation Theories for Transition Metal Compounds, The 52nd Sanibel Symposium, GA, USA
14.02.12, Mariapfarr, Fundamentals of relativistic quantum chemistry, Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr 2012, Austria
08.12.11, Zurich, The Inverse Quantum Chemical Approach to Molecular Vibrational Properties, Institutsseminar der Physikalischen Chemie, Universität Zürich, Switzerland
11.10.11, Heidelberg, The Electron Density and the Finite Speed of Light - Relativistic Effects from Chemical Concepts to Spectroscopy, MOLMOD2011
21.07.11, Santiago de Compostela, New Electron Correlation Theories for Transition Metal Compounds, Ninth Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists, WATOC 2011, Spain
24.06.11, Jongny, Download The present and future role of computers in chemical research, Seance de Reflexion (PDF, 401 KB), Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT, Switzerland
22.06.11, Freiburg, The Electron Density and the Finite Speed of Light - Relativistic Effects from Chemical Concepts to Spectroscopy, Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Freiburg, Germany
19.05.11, Los Angeles, Download The Inverse Quantum Chemical Approach to Molecular Vibrational Properties (PDF, 8.2 MB), Workshop IV: Physical Frameworks for Sampling Chemical Compound Space, IPAM, University of Los Angeles, CA, USA
11.05.11, München, The Electron Density and the Finite Speed of Light — Relativistic Effects from Chemical Concepts to Spectroscopy, LMU München, Kolloquium Physikalische Chemie, Germany
06.01.11, Rennes, Theory of Dinitrogen Fixation at the Schrock Catalyst, CNRS-Universite de Rennes, France
13.12.10, Frankfurt, New Theoretical Approaches to Study Vibrational Spectra of Large Molecules: Localized Vibrations, Intensity Carrying Modes, Intensity-Tracking, Kolloquium des Instituts fuer Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Germany
24.11.10, Rehovot, Developing Quantum Chemical Tools for the Study of Catalytic Reactions, Weizmann Institute, Israel
22.11.10, Jerusalem, Developing Quantum Chemical Tools for the Study of Catalytic Reactions, The Lise Meitner Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry, Israel
21.11.10, Haifa, Developing Quantum Chemical Tools for the Study of Catalytic Reactions, Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
28.10.10, Mannheim, Molecular Modelling Course organized by BASF, Mannheim, Germany
27.09.10, Beijing, Download The Relativistic Electron Density and Electron Correlation (PDF, 3.4 MB), REHE 2010 International Conference, China
25.09.10, Beijing, Theory of Dinitrogen Fixation at the Schrock Catalyst, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) and State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources & Mine Safety, China
06.08.10, Albany, Download New Theoretical Approaches to Study Raman Optical Activity: Localized Vibrations, Intensity Carrying Modes, Intensity-Tracking (PDF, 1.8 MB), VOA-2 – 2nd International Conference on Vibrational Optical Activity, University at Albany, USA
15.07.10, South Hadley, Download Definition and Calculation of Electron Densities in Relativistic Quantum Theory (PDF, 3.3 MB), GRC: Electron Distribution & Chemical Bonding, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA
06.07.10, Nottingham, Download An enquiry into theoretical bioinorganic chemistry: how heuristic is the character of present-day quantum chemical methods? (PDF, 1.2 MB), Faraday Discussion 148: Spectroscopy, Theory and Mechanism in Bioinorganic Chemistry, University of Nottingham, Great Britain
01.04.10, Bad Herrenalb, New parametrizations of the electronic wave function: from DMRG to tensor network states, DFG Priority Programm SPP 1145, Symposium 2010, Germany
20.01.10, Bochum, Quantum Chemical Methods for Vibrational Spectroscopy of Functional Molecules, Theoretisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
23.11.09, Stockholm, Renormalization Techniques in Quantum Chemistry, Multiscale Modeling and Simulation in Science, Alba Nova University Center, Sweden
31.08.09, Brescia, Raman optical activity of chiral biomolecules: interpretation via localized vibrations, intensity carrying modes, intensity-tracking, CD 2009 – 12th International Conference on Circular Dichroism, ISBC – 5th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Biological Chirality, Italy
17.08.09, Washington, DMRG applied to compact molecules, The 238th ACS National Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
19.06.09, Heidelberg, Quantum Chemical Methods for Vibrational Spectroscopy of Functional Molecules, Organisch-Chemisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
09.06.09, Leiden, A Challenge for Theoretical Chemistry: Dinitrogen Fixation under Ambient Conditions, LIC Colloquium, Universiteit Leiden
02.06.09, Hamilton, DMRG for Spatially Non-Extended Molecules, CSC 2009, 92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Canada
05.05.09. Bonn, Eine Herausforderung für die Theorie: Stickstoff-Fixierung unter milden Bedingungen, Institut für Anorganische Chemie, GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Bonn, Germany
24.04.09, Singapore, Quantum Chemical Methods for Vibrational Spectroscopy of Functional Molecules, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
11.03.09, Bensberg (near Cologne), DMRG for Transition Metal Compounds, SPP 1145 Workshop 09, DFG, Recent Advances in Efficient Electron Correlation Methods
28.01.09, Berlin, Quantum Chemical Methods for Theoretical Spectroscopy of Functional Molecules, PCTC Kolloquium, FU-Berlin, Germany
15.09.08, Sydney, Recent Developments in Douglas-Kroll-Hess Theory: Molecular Properties with a Focus on Mössbauer Spectroscopy, WATOC 2008
14.07.08, Würzburg, Quantum Chemical Studies in Transition Metal Catalysis: Modelling the Thermodynamics of Schrock's Dinitrogen Fixation Cycle, Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universität Würzburg, Germany
06.07.08, Krakow, The Density Matrix Renormalization Group in Chemistry, Current Trends in Theoretical Chemistry V, Poland
30.05.08, Podiumsdiskussion: Wissenschaftliche Karriere an Hochschulen versus ausseruniversitäre Einrichtungen (geleitet von H. Schwarz, mit: M. Wintermantel, W. A. Herrmann, F. Schüth, T. U. Mayer, M. Reiher), 11. Steinheimer Gespräche des Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Rödermark, Germany
05.05.08, Augsburg, New Developments in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, Kolloquium Physikalisches Institut, Universität Augsburg
27.04.08, Zürich, Spektroskopische Fingerabdrücke von Molekülen - beim Treibhauseffekt und im interstellaren Raum, Treffpunkt Science City - Wissenschaft erleben, ETH Zürich
27.02.08, Lugano, New Developments in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry, Group Seminar Prof. Dr. M. Parrinello, ETH Zürich
21.01.08, Leipzig, Quantum Chemical Studies in Transition Metal Catalysis: Modelling the Thermodynamics of Schrock's Dinitrogen Fixation Cycle, Vorlesung im Rahmen "Modern Methods in Catalysis Research - Survey of Heterogeneous, Homogeneous and Biocatalysis", Universität Leipzig
04.12.07, Strasbourg, The DMRG Algorithm in Quantum Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar
09.11.07, Heidelberg, Quantum Chemical Studies in Transition Metal Catalysis: Modelling the Thermodynamics of Schrock's Dinitrogen Fixation Cycle, SFB Seminar Lecture der Universität Heidelberg
05.09.07, Torun, The density matrix renormalization group in quantum chemistry, Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007
11.06.07, Zürich, The DMRG Algorithm in Quantum Chemistry, Theory Seminar of the Physics Departments at ETH and University of Zurich
25.02.07, Kloster Banz (near Staffelstein, Bavaria), On the Nature and Origin of Ligand-induced Charge Concentrations: The Key for Controlling C-H Activation Processes in Electron-Rich Transition Metal complexes, 2nd Proposal Colloquium SPP 1178, DFG
06.01.07, Zürich, Relativistic Quantum Chemistry - Quo Vadis, C4 Workshop 2006, ETH-Zürich
16.11.06, Dresden, DMRG: A new approach to the electron correlation problem in quantum chemistry, Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik komplexer Systeme
31.10.06, Chania, Quantum chemical methods for the vibrational spectroscopy of large molecules, ICCMSE 2006
30.10.06, Chania, On the calculation of properties in the Douglas-Kroll-Hess framework, ICCMSE 2006
26.10.06, Zurich, Von der Natur lernen: Theorie der Stickstoff-Fixierung unter milden Bedingungen, Einführungsvorlesung ETH Zurich
27.09.06, Lund, Calculation of first-order properties within the arbitrary-order
Douglas–Kroll framework, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, Lund University,
04.09.06, Manchester, On the definition of local spin in relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum chemistry, Faraday Discussion 135: Chemical Concepts from Quantum Mechanics, University of Manchester, Manchester
10.07.06, Heidelberg, Quantenchemische Konzepte und Methoden in der theoretischen Übergangsmetallchemie, Kolloquium at University Heidelberg, Heidelberg
01.06.06, Zurich, Algorithms in Quantum Chemistry, Fallstudien im Studiengang
RW, ETH Zürich
23.05.06, Zurich, Axial and Local Chirality in Raman Optical Activity Spectra, Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium at ETH
13.04.06, Giessen, Theoretical Transition Metal Chemistry: In need of accurate quantum chemical methods and reliable qualitative interpretations, an International Symposium in Honor of Gernot Frenking on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday
05.04.06, ETH Zurich, Calculation of first-order properties within the arbitrary-order DKH framework, Seminar of the Quantum Chemistry Groups in Zurich
21.03.06, Milan, Theory for Chemistry: Development of new quantum chemical methods for the study of molecular systems, Seminar of the Quantum Chemistry Group at the University Milan-Bicocca
09.03.06, Fribourg, Calculation of first-order properties within the arbitrary-order Douglas—Kroll framework, Swiss Association of Computational Chemistry (SACC) Spring Meeting 2006
03.03.06, Vienna, The Quantum Chemistry View on Relativistic Many-Particle Physics, Meeting of the EU-Network "Analysis of Large Quantum Systems", Erwin-Schrodinger-Institut for Mathematical Physics
02.11.05, Potsdam, Infinite-Order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Theory, Seminar des AK Saalfrank
21.10.05, Munich, Infinite-Order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Theory, Oberseminar Analysis (AK Siedentop), LMU Munich
05.10.05, Jena, Relativity in chemistry - From theory to quantitative understanding of relativistic effects on chemical bonding, XIV. Krakow-Jena Symposium on Physical Chemistry
22.09.05, Smolenice/Bratislava, Infinite-Order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Theory, 13th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Slovakia
12.09.05, Dusseldorf, On the Calculation of Vibrational Raman Optical Activity (VROA) Spectra, GDCh-Jahrestagung 2005
05.07.05, Bonn, Convergence Characteristics of Quantum Chemical DMRG calculations, SPP 1145 ``Modern First-Principles Methods'' Berichtskolloquium
24.05.05 Zurich, Theory for Chemistry: Development of new quantum chemical methods for the study of molecular systems, Minisymposium on Theoretical Chemistry at ETH
16.04.05, Heyda, Neue quantenmechanische Verfahren fuer das Studium metallvermittelter Reaktionen, SFB-436-Meeting
07.04.05, Muelheim, Infinite-Order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Theory, REHE 2005 - International Conference on Relativistic Effects in Heavy Element Chemistry and Physic, Germany
18.01.05, Bonn, Theorie fuer die Chemie: Entwicklung neuer quantenchemischer Verfahren fuer das Studium molekularer Systeme, Vorstellungsvortrag W3-Professur fuer Theoretische Chemie
10.12.04, Koeln, The Infinite-Order Douglas—Kroll—Hess Method, Theoretische Chemie Seminar
02.12.04, Geneva, Theory for Chemistry: Development of new quantum chemical methods for the study of molecular systems, application for vacant position "Professor in Computational Chemistry"
30.11.04, Bochum, Theorie fuer die Chemie: Entwicklung neuer quantenchemischer Verfahren fuer das Studium molekularer Systeme, Vorstellungsvortrag C3-Professur fuer Theoretische Chemie
11.11.04, Groningen, Theory for Chemistry: Development of new quantum chemical methods for the study of molecular systems, application for vacant position "Professor in Theoretical Chemistry"
05.11.04, Berlin, Quantenchemische Studien zur direkten und templatgesteuerten N2-Aktivierung durch Uebergangsmetallkomplexe, Graduiertenkolleg "Synthetische, mechanistische und reaktionstechnische Aspekte von Metallkatalysatoren"
12.10.04, Lauterbad, Theoretical studies on direct and templated N2 activation by transition metal complexes, Joint Workshop mit den SFBs 626, 583, 623 und 436
01.10.04, Frankfurt, Computerchemie fuer Uebergangsmetallkomplexe, Vorstellungsvortrag C3/W3-Professur fuer Computational Chemistry
24.07.04, Cambridge/UK, On the exact decoupling of the Dirac Hamiltonian, ESF/HAMEC meeting, Cambridge University, England
15.06.04, Jena, Theorie fuer die Chemie: Entwicklung neuer quantenchemischer Verfahren fuer das Studium molekularer Systeme, Vorstellungsvortrag C3-Professur fuer Computational Chemistry
25.03.04, Erlangen, The bottom-up approach in theoretical bioinorganic chemistry, Biocatalysis-Workshop der DFG
18.03.04, Reinhardswaldschule, Theoretical methods for the efficient calculation of molecular vibrations, 3rd Workshop on Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Coils and Aggregates, Universitaet Goettingen
08.03.04, Dortmund, Gezielte Berechnung vorselektierter Schwingungen: Informationsgewinn durch Komplexitaetsreduktion, Chemiedozententagung, ADUC-Vortrag, Universitaet Dortmund
19/12/03, Bonn, Stickstoff-Fixierung unter milden Bedingungen: Beitraege der Theoretischen Chemie, Antrittsvorlesung, Universitaet Bonn
11/12/03, Bonn, Einfuehrung zum Problem der Biologischen Stickstoffixierung, Nitrogenase-Seminar der Theoretischen Chemie, Universitaet Bonn
04/12/03, Karlsruhe, Exakte Entkopplung des Dirac-Hamilton-Operators, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet Karlsruhe
02/12/03, Marburg, Mode-Tracking: A new method for the calculation of pre-selected molecular vibrations, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet Marburg
31.10.03, Bonn, Mode-Tracking — eine neue Methode zur Berechnung vorselektierter molekularer Schwingungen in großen Systemen, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universität Bonn
02/10/03, Gwatt, Mode-Tracking: A new method for the calculation of pre-selected molecular vibrations, Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry STC2003, Switzerland
09/09/03, New York City, Energy splittings of different spin states: a challenge for modern quantum chemical methods in transition metal chemistry, 226th ACS National Meeting
29/07/03, Berlin, Higher-orders in the Douglas-Kroll transformation, REHE 2003 conference
21/07/03, Bielefeld, Density Functional Theory for Structures, Energetics, and Spectroscopy of Transition Metal Complexes, Workshop of the Graduate School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
09/07/03, Zurich, The Generalised Douglas-Kroll Transformation, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, University of Zurich
03/07/03, Munich, Quantenchemische Berechnungen mit Turbomole, Workshop Hochleistungsrechnen in Chemie und Biowissenschaften, Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München
21/05/03, Erlangen, Chiralitaet in der Chemie, Habilitationsvortrag
28/03/03, Erlangen, DFT calculations on transition metal complexes: prospects and obstacles, SFB-Symposium on Redoxactive Metal Complexes - Control of Reactivity via Molecular Architecture
17/03/03, Chemnitz, Gezieltes Aufstoebern relevanter Schwingungen: Wie man irrelevante Informationen erst gar nicht berechnet, Chemie-Dozententagung 2003
06/02/03, Düsseldorf,Die verallgemeinerte Douglas-Kroll-Transformation, Workshop-Seminar Relativistische Quantentheorie
03/12/02, Erlangen, Neue Untersuchungen zum Spincrossover-Phaenomen von Fe(phen)2(NCS)2, Seminar des Graduiertenkollegs `Elektronentransfer'
12/11/02, Stuttgart,Die verallgemeinerte Douglas-Kroll-Transformation, Seminar der Theoretischen Chemie
31/10/02, Zurich, Strategies for the quantum chemical calculation of vibrational spectra of large molecules, C4 seminar, ETH Zurich
19/09/02, Zeist/Utrecht, Quantum chemical calculation of Raman spectra for large molecules, 12th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, Netherlands
19/07/02, Clausthal, Zum Problem der biologischen Stickstoff-Fixierung: Was wir von Modellverbindungen lernen koennen, Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Clausthal
11/03/02, Koeln, DFT fuer Übergangsmetallkomplexe: Fallstricke und wie man sie umgeht, Chemie-Dozententagung 2002
18/12/01, Berlin, Zum Mechanismus der Nitrogenase, Organisch-Chemisches Seminar, Technische Universitaet Berlin
11/12/01, Erlangen, Zum Mechanismus der N_2-Reduktion durch Nitrogenase, Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, Universitaet Erlangen
09/11/01, Zurich, On the Mechanism of Nitrogenase, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, University of Zurich
16/10/01, Budapest, Methods for Relativistic Electronic Structure Calculations on Atoms and Molecules, Seminar of the Central Research Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Science
11/10/01, Szeged, Methods for Relativistic Electronic Structure Calculations on Atoms and Molecules, Seminar of the Theoretical Physics Department, Hungary
20/09/01, Erlangen, The Secret of DMSO-Water Mixtures, Model(l)ing 2001 Conference
25/06/01, Erlangen, Quantenchemie der Elektronenuebertragung --- (II) Modelle fuer lokalisierte und delokalisierte Ladungsuebertragungszustaende, Elektronentransfer-Seminar des Graduiertenkollegs, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
18/06/01, Erlangen, Quantenchemie der Elektronenuebertragung --- (I) Grundlagen, Elektronentransfer-Seminar des Graduiertenkollegs, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
13/02/01, Erlangen, Nitrogenase model complexes: What do they teach us?, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
24/02/00, Juelich, Relativistic Electronic-Structure Calculations for Atoms and Molecules, Winterschool on Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry
13/09/99, Freiberg, Self-consistent treatment of the frequency-independent Breit interaction in atomic structure calculations, 35. Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry `99, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
03/02/99, Zurich, Die frequenzunabhaengige Breit-Wechselwirkung in numerischen MCSCF Atomstrukturrechnungen, Organische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet Zurich, Schweiz
01/02/99, Erlangen, Die frequenzunabhaengige Breit-Wechselwirkung in numerischen MCSCF Atomstrukturrechnungen, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg
15/01/99, Siegen, The frequency-independent Breit interaction in numerical MCSCF atomic structure calculations, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet-GH Siegen
15/06/98, Cambridge/UK, A new relativistic MCSCF program for atomic structure calculations, Theoretical Chemistry Seminar, Department of Chemistry, Cambridge University, England
17/06/96, Bielefeld, Geschwindigkeitsraten-Theorie: 50 Jahre nach Kramers; Teil III Kramers Theorie, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet Bielefeld
11/94, Bielefeld, DFTA - Ein Program fuer numerische Dichtefunktionalrechnungen an Atomen, Theoretische Chemie Seminar, Universitaet Bielefeld