
Software for Chemical Reaction Networks (SCINE)

  • SCINE: Developments for a new kind of computational quantum chemistry
  • SCINE Interactive: This module of SCINE enables interactive chemical reactivity exploration.

Multi-Configuration Wave-Function Methods

  • autoCAS is a SCINE module which automates the crucial active-orbital-space selection step in multi-configurational calculations.
  • The module QCMaquis allows for an efficient optimization of a matrix product state (MPS) wave function based on a second-generation density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm.

Error Quantification

  • reBoot is a toolbox for statistical calibration of physicochemical property models.
  • BootD3 provides uncertainty measures for the semiclassical D3 dispersion corrections developed by Grimme and coworkers.

Vibrational Spectroscopy

  • SNF is a program for the efficient calculation of vibrational spectra for large molecules (note that new versions of SNF are only distributed as part of the MoViPac package).
  • Akira allows to selectively calculate specific normal modes of a molecule (note that new versions of Akira are only distributed as part of the MoViPac package).
  • MoViPac bundles both SNF and Akira and contains the newest versions of both programs.

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