
autoCAS is a graphical user interface for the automated identification and selection of statically correlated orbitals in multi-configurational calculations. The analysis is based on orbital entanglement measures from a density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculation in a predefined orbital basis. Based on these measures, a final active orbital space is selected and the orbitals are converged in a DMRG-SCF or CASSCF calculation. 

autoCAS interfaces our QCMaquis DMRG program and the openMolcas suite of ab initio programs. See the autoCAS manual for detailed information about available features, hints on installation and setup and typical workflows for some common application scenarios.

In order to download autoCAS please visit the SCINE web page.

For publications containing results obtained with the autoCAS program, we kindly request you to cite the following publications:


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